Bijou Fortune

Max (he/him) - Spirit Medium

Need advice from the beyond? Here at Bijou Fortune we use Tarot, dice, oracle decks, bibliomancy, and even digital divination tools to connect with spirits on the other side and bring back wisdom and a new perspective for clients like you.Bijou Fortune also offers magical services dealing with crystals and other semi-precious gemstones.We approach our work with a uniquely queer modern perspective and are dedicated to serving every individual who comes to us with an open heart for guidance, no matter how odd society finds them.Bijou Fortune currently operates out of the central Seattle area. We also provide virtual sessions and written reports.

© Max Alderdice. All rights reserved.

Fortunes Told

At Bijou Fortune we reach out to the other side for wisdom using Tarot cards and other fortunetelling methods. For interested clients, we offer the option of creating a fortune profile to help you keep track of how fortune-telling works best for you and learn to grow from it spiritually.What is the Tarot?
Tarot decks available for use
Other forms of fortune-telling
What is a fortune profile?
I offer two pricing schemes: by the number of cards and by the hour.Under the former, I charge $20 for a three-card spread and $30 for a five-card spread, whether the reading is conducted in person or virtually. I also offer a discounted option where I do the readings without your participation and send you a report afterwards.According to the latter pricing scheme, I charge $50 for half an hour of drawing and interpreting as many cards as you need. Like other readings, I can do these in person in the Seattle area or virtually for clients around the world.As an additional, optional service, I offer written reports, delivered digitally, of readings after they've concluded. These include a short explanation of each card's meaning, a summary of my interpretation of the reading as a whole, and brief notes on any other salient points I brought up during the session. If you chose to fill out a fortune profile beforehand, a copy will be included. For readings of five cards and under, this costs an extra $10; above five cards, it costs $20.More detailed written reports of fortune-telling sessions are available as well; these include detailed explanations of each card's meaning, my interpretation of the reading as a whole, notes on any other important points I brought up during the session, and suggestions for helpful spiritual practices and simple magical exercises based on the content of the reading. If you chose to fill out a fortune profile beforehand, a copy will be included with commentary on how it reflects upon the reading. For readings of five cards and under, this costs an extra $25; above five cards, it costs $45.I am also available for hire as an entertainer at parties for several tiers of hourly rates depending on services rendered. Please contact me for further details.If you're interested in purchasing a Tarot reading or session from Bijou Fortune, go ahead and fill out this form.

Other Fortunetelling methods

In addition to the ubiquitous Tarot, I use numerous other methods to gain insight from the beyond.Lenormand decks are a form of cartomancy (fortunetelling through cards) using a smaller deck of cards than the 78-card Tarot. While a Tarot reading often delves into deep spiritual and emotional matters, the Lenormand deck tends to be more pragmatic and often addresses material concerns best. I have two such decks (the Gilded Lenormand and the Red Hand Lenormand) for these purposes.
Bibliomancy is a form of fortunetelling using random number generation (whether with dice or digitally) to select passages out of a book. Some books (known as bibliomanteia) are made specifically for this purpose, but any book can be used.
Dice with words or pictures on them may be used for fortunetelling that leans on loose associations and gut feelings more than the stricter language of the Tarot. I own a number of dice of both such kinds.
✪ I also make online bots for divinatory purposes; these may generate strings of random emoji or phrases or pictures from a databank.
Consultations featuring Lenormand decks are $20 for a five-card spread.Setting up a book of your choice as a bibliomanteion and divining truth from that requires a half-hour session priced at $35.I do not currently tell fortunes from dice alone, but I can use them as clarifiers on a Tarot or Lenormand reading for an extra fee of $10.Contact me with inquiries about either of the following for further details:
✪ The creation of online fortunetelling bots. Prices for this service range from $50-$150 depending on the platform chosen and the size of the databank you want constructed.
✪ The enchantment of permanent bibliomanteia for your personal use. This requires multiple sessions to cover not just the consecration of the book itself but also discussion of how to use it. The cost ranges from $50-$75 in addition to the cost of the book if not provided.
If you'd like to make an order for any of these services from Bijou Fortune, you can fill out this form.

Crystal wisdom

For seekers of spiritual guidance who want a more permanent token of the spirits' assistance, crystals and other semi-precious gemstones can be a perfect solution.What is the magical wisdom of the rocks?Tarot-based crystal wisdom consultations begin at $30 for a simple five-card draw summarizing your spiritual needs, with a sixth card pulled as an overall signifier, and range up to $90 for an eighteen-card spread that features a three-card draw for each of five aspects of your potential practice (strengths, weaknesses, needs, suitable rituals, and relationship style with spirits/Powers) and then another three-card draw to summarize the entire assessment. In the middle (twelve cards) is an option priced at $60.Once a client completes this assessment, I offer multiple ways to purchase tokens of crystal wisdom customized to your needs if you would like to do so. (You also have the option of just getting the assessment with no further purchases.) Regardless of the tier of crystal wisdom package you purchase, the value of the stones themselves is set at a third of the price and all stones included in it will be ritually blessed and infused with intention.For $15 per stone (capped at $145 for ten stones) I will select an appropriate gemstone for you and provide a brief explanation of its powers, nature, and purpose.For $30 per stone (capped at $175 for six stones) I will select an appropriate gemstone for you and provide you with detailed information on its powers and nature and tips on possible uses.For $60 per stone (capped at $350 for six stones) I will select an appropriate gemstone for you and provide you with detailed information on its powers and possible uses, as well as potential mantras to associate with it for magic and meditation and a recording of a personal guided meditation for use with it.If you're interested in beginning the process of purchasing crystal wisdom services from Bijou Fortune, you can fill out this form.NOTE: the terminology of crystal wisdom as opposed to the more common crystal healing is used here to highlight my focus on spiritual troubles. Please see your doctor to address physical ailments, the necessary mental health professionals for known psychiatric problems, and your lawyer for legal difficulties.

A Crystal Magic Primer

The magic I call crystal wisdom relies on a wide variety of semi-precious gemstones (not just ones technically classified as crystals). At the root of it is a recognition of the spiritual power within the unique and intriguing objects humanity has excavated from the earth throughout our history as a species. Whatever the scientific property of gems, they fascinate us as beautiful items. We can simply look at a pretty rock and feel calm or inspired. Holding a polished stone in our palms in a stressful moment can ground us in natural serenity.Rocks are the oldest things on this planet and need nothing from us or anyone else to continue existing as much as they ever have. We dig them up and make them more beautiful in appreciation, and they extend their gifts to us. When we look at them, touch them, and work magic with them, we reach for the unfathomable, immutable strength of stone.

the spiritual properties of gemstones

Most known gemstones have a set of associated spiritual properties. Unlike the properties of its physical form as a geological object, a gem's metaphysical properties shift and change depending on individual practices, circumstances, and cultural ideas. You'll often find that different sources disagree about what a stone does. That's OK; you can figure out what works for you over time.Color, patterning, shine or shimmer, location mined or found, and historical usage are commonly used to determine a gemstone's spiritual powers and nature. Here is a brief guide to some of my personal favorites and the way I see their spiritual nature.

  • LAPIS LAZULI: historically associated with the goddess Inanna, later known as Ishtar, who ruled the twilight heavens in the form of the planet Venus and conquered in the name of both love and power. Said to resemble the starry sky with its mixed composition of deep blue lazurite, metallic pyrite, pale calcite, sodalite, and other minerals. Useful for uplifting the spirit, invoking the blessings of celestial divinities, and realizing the value of your own truths.

  • TIGER'S EYE: a shimmering banded form of quartz usually seen in golden-brown hues but also found in red and blue varieties, this semi-precious gem has long been associated with power, strength, and protection. Brown and red tiger's eye also carry grounding properties due to their staining by iron; blue tiger's eye, or hawk's eye, is particularly good for fortune-telling and other forms of truth-seeking.

  • AMETHYST: a variety of quartz that ranges from pale to deep purple in color; one of the most enduring stones for those seeking clarity of mind. Its name derives from its fabled ability to protect against intoxication.

  • LABRADORITE: a pale to dark gray-blue feldspar with a startling iridescence. The peacock-tail-like labradorescence of these gems gives them an association with heightened intuition and other forms of mental expansion.

  • MOOKAITE: an Australian form of jasper, typically a stone with strongly grounding qualities. This jasper is especially good for bringing about new beginnings due to its rich variety of dawn-like pink, red, orange, and golden-yellow colors.

  • CARNELIAN: known as the stone of courage, this orange to deep red form of chalcedony has also long been associated with good fortune in general.

  • BOTSWANA AGATE: a rare form of agate with very striking bands found almost exclusively in the country of Botswana; sometimes called apricot agate when its colors are pinkish-orange. The striking precision of its banded pattern makes it good for finding balance and cleansing one's energies.

  • KYANITE: a typically cerulean blue stone formed of aluminum silicate, known for exceptional fragility born of its perfect cleavage. This flawless material alignment makes it excellent for helping you align and balance different parts of your own soul.

  • PICTURE JASPER: a type of jasper usually seen in shades of tan and gray with red and brown mixed in. Its patterning often resembles an intricate landscape, giving picture jasper its name as well as an association with good fortune on journeys.

  • TOURMALINATED QUARTZ: a form of clear quartz shot through with streaks of black tourmaline inclusions. Tourmaline's powerful ability to act as a sink for negative energy makes it a good partner with quartz, which purifies and then releases what the tourmaline has absorbed.

  • SMOKY QUARTZ: clear quartz that has gained a smoky grayish-brown hue from underground exposure to radiation. This is an excellent stone for assisting with "shadow work" to confront and accept your own darkness.

  • HEMATITE: a gem that usually appears in dark silver to metallic black hues, hematite's high iron content makes it ideal for grounding purposes, although some personalities may find it too strong in that department.

  • GARNET: a group of differing silicate minerals most commonly known in their deep red varieties. Garnet's color and name links it to both fire and the seeds of the pomegranate, making it a complex dual-natured stone that both grounds you to the earth and fans the inner fires of your motivation and passion.

  • SUNSTONE: a pale golden-yellow to pink feldspar from Oregon valued for bringing joy on account of its sunny color.

  • LARVIKITE: a dark black and gray form of feldspar that displays an iridescence similar to the paler labradorite when properly cut and polished, larvikite boosts our ability to find the light in dark situations.

  • AQUAMARINE: a pale or milky blue beryl named after and historically associated with the sea. This stone helps you get in touch with your inner water-aspected energy and thus bring balance to your emotions.

  • CRAZY LACE AGATE: a particularly popular agate found in Mexico known for its strikingly colorful, unpredictable lace-like patterning. Paradoxically, the different colors and patterns of the crazy lace agate help bring emotional stability and strengthen sanity.

  • FLUORITE: a stone that is typically pale and translucent with bands of light green, purple, or both, fluorite can also be very dark and colorful. Its clarity of color and striking banding make it good for purifying your psychic energies and uplifting your mood.

working magic with gemstones

There are a number of ways to make use of the spiritual properties and powers of your crystals and other gems. They are useful as a focus when meditating; merely touching one kept in your pocket can grant peace at a stressful moment. Depending on the properties of a given crystal, keeping it around can also influence the energy and mood of its environment. Gemstones are also excellent sources of psychic protection and assistants to emotional shielding.

caring for your power stones

To take care of your crystals' beauty and physical integrity, make yourself aware of the hardness of each and be careful to handle them gently.To maintain the spiritual power and purity of your gems, they usually need to be regularly cleansed and recharged. Running water is an excellent source of cleansing energy; burning herbs or incense and waving the smoke over your stones may also do the trick. It is common to charge a cleansed crystal by leaving it in the light of the full moon.To renew the blessing on a stone purchased from Bijou Fortune, place it in a bowl or small cup of water set in front of a source of music, and play an album or equivalent-length playlist that has power to you.

Fortune Profiles

Bijou Fortune offers all potential clients the opportunity to create a profile describing their spiritual characteristics and what they want to get out of a session with us.The fortune profile has four sections, each of which is optional:✪ General spiritual info (what your practice is like, how long you've been doing it, what sort of beliefs you may have)
✪ Style of interacting with Tarot cards and other forms of fortune-telling
✪ Specific spiritual symbols and associations, including the elements
✪ Details about your astrological signs (as noted, you are free to skip this section entirely if Western Classical astrology is not your thing; I use it only lightly in my readings if at all)
Once you have created your fortune profile, you can update it when placing any order with Bijou Fortune. It will be used to help me interpret readings and tailor them to your needs.More detailed options for fortune profiles will most likely be available in the future.

Available Tarot Decks

A standard modern Tarot deck contains 78 cards. I describe their meanings in more detail here. In most cases, each card has the same meaning regardless of deck (with some minor divergences explained below), but the art, style, and mood of each individual deck is different.I offer clients a chance to choose from fifteen Tarot decks at the moment.

Common Types of Tarot Decks

In the twenty-first century, most Tarot decks fall into one of three categories.The most common kind of deck these days draws its inspiration primarily from the Rider-Waite-Smith deck, originally published by the Rider Company in 1909 with writing and overarching design by A. E. Waite and art drawn by Pamela Colman Smith. This deck was based on the Marseille type, itself now rarely used in North America, which was the primary type of traditional deck at the time. Decks that are very similar to the original RWS Tarot are sometimes called RWS clones.In addition to RWS-styled decks, a type of deck with a slightly different take on the Major Arcana and the meanings of the cards exists. These are Thoth decks, based on instructions published in 1944 (shortly after the creation of the deck itself) by Aleister Crowley. They are popular among ceremonial magicians and fans or followers of Crowley's path.Finally, some Tarot decks, despite sticking mostly to the traditional 78 cards and sometimes drawing a little bit from Rider-Waite-Smith symbolism, more or less go off in their own direction.

Decks Available for Use with Bijou Fortune

  • The Sasuraibito Tarot: A modern deck by local artist Stasia Burrington loosely based on the Rider-Waite-Smith Tarot. This is my most popular deck with clients due to its beautiful art, uplifting energy, and ability to be gentle without sacrificing truth.

  • The Tarot of the Abyss: A somewhat eerie-looking deck of strikingly beautiful and unusual black-and-white linework, conceived and drawn by Ana Tourian. It is primarily in the RWS style, but remains unique. This deck has a flair for drama. It contains 80 cards to account for double versions of the 10 of Swords and the 3 of Swords: one with traditional imagery and one with more gentle imagery for these often-distressing cards.

  • The Tarot of Pagan Cats: One of my pocket Tarot decks, this is a close kin to the Rider-Waite-Smith Tarot, but with cats instead of people. Like my other two cat-themed decks, this one draws the attention of my primary guardian spirit, the apotheosis of Freddie Mercury (who loved cats when he was alive), so he may add a little sass to your reading with it.

  • The Wild Unknown Tarot: Another of my pocket Tarot decks, this is a popular deck by Kim Krans known amongst its users for being brutally honest and good at standing up to psychic pressure to produce a desired result rather than the truth. It uses family-oriented wording for the court cards and an overall theme of nature and animals rather than human figures.

  • The Tarot of the Divine: A deck by Yoshi Yoshitani that assigns each card a myth, legend, or folktale from somewhere in the world. Primarily Rider-Waite-Smith in style.

  • Tarot Cats: A watercolor-styled deck by Bunny Dee featuring cats instead of people. It is usually gentle but, like the other cat decks, will sometimes get you sass from Freddie Mercury's spirit in the beyond.

  • Britt's Third Eye Tarot: A more intuitive, feminine-focused deck using the typical Rider-Waite-Smith arrangement. One of my pocket decks.

  • The Weird Cat Tarot: A silly, endearing deck by Gabby Kash featuring peculiar-looking cartoon cats. Sassy, with or without Freddie's input. It uses RWS associations.

  • The Labyrinth Tarot: A loosely RWS-based deck drawn by Tomas Hijo and themed after the characters, setting, and plot of the movie Labyrinth starring David Bowie. As such, it draws attention from Bowie's spirit.

  • The Starman Tarot: A deluxe Tarot set drawn by Davide de Angelis based on a collaboration with David Bowie in the 1990s. Like the Labyrinth Tarot, it draws attention from Bowie's spirit. It is primarily RWS style with some alterations.

  • The Tattoo Tarot (Ink & Intuition): A semi-minimalist RWS deck modeled after the art of traditional tattoos. It has a striking combination of simplicity and subtle details.

  • The Teeny Tiny Tarot: A quirky pocket Tarot deck with rough RWS associations and some alterations, designed and drawn by Holly Oddly.

  • The Midnight Magic Tarot: A striking deck that presents a different mushroom for every card, while weaving in subtle details to enhance its meaning. This is the deck I have dedicated to the ancient god Hermes, and it draws his attention.

  • The Cosmic Tribe Tarot: An independent photography-based Tarot using the Thoth style, designed by Stevee Postman. It contains erotic imagery. This deck has 80 cards due to the presence of three different Lovers cards depicting couples of different sexual orientations.

  • The Urban Tarot: A Thoth-style deck by Robin Scott based on cities in general and Manhattan in particular; it involves imagery related to queer activism and social justice. There are no Kings in this deck; Queens are the highest court cards, and Pages are doubled into Princes and Princesses to make up for the lack of Kings.

Which deck should I choose?

It's completely up to you. Have a look at the links above and decide which one you like best for your purposes.However, if you're not sure what to pick, you are also welcome to leave the choice to me.

Land Acknowledgment

Bijou Fortune conducts business on the unceded traditional Indigenous lands of the Coast Salish people, including the Duwamish, Suquamish, and Muckleshoot peoples. These nations, along with their gods and spirits, were the first inhabitants of the material and metaphysical landscape from which I now reach out to spirits all over the world and beyond. They remain here now--gods and humans alike--still a powerful and important part of our world and society.

This acknowledgement does not take the place of authentic relationships with Indigenous communities, but serves as a first step in honoring the land we are on. These communities are still here, and many indigenous people are strong and thriving. We honor the people past and present who belong to this place.--text from Visit Seattle

Links About Native Seattle

Honoring the local indigenous gods & spirits

The ancestral gods and spirits of the Coast Salish peoples live on in both thousands of years of history and throughout their lands today. This includes in the city of Seattle. Thus it is simply a matter of respect and common spiritual sense for me as a spirit medium working in Seattle to take a moment to make space to honor them. The old gods and ancestral spirits are still real, and they will never be powerless.

With these words we honor and offer respect to the Changer who made the world we know and lives on in this age as the Moon; we honor and offer respect to the immortal providence of the Salmon he gave to the people.We honor and offer respect to the ancient Powers who became the three winds: the bitter North Wind, the life-bringing Rain Wind, and the powerful Storm Wind.We honor and hold a space of respectful silence for the mysteries of the powerful, personal guardian spirits of this land's first peoples, and we honor with awareness the memories of the dead and all other ancestral spirits who remain with us here.

In addition to honoring the Indigenous gods and spirits of the land here with words, we also pledge to engage respectfully with the living Native inhabitants of this city and extend our energy in support of their voices whenever possible.


Bijou Fortune is the result of a spiritual journey that started in 2016, when I began a meditative ritual practice that, over the course of a year's work, would reveal to me the divine power of the life, work, and legacy of late Queen frontman Freddie Mercury. Although I had been reading Tarot as a hobby since the late '90s, this experience opened my eyes to the importance of ancestor worship and hero cult throughout human religious history and gave me the chance to establish, then hone, my skills as a spirit medium and fortuneteller.From late 2021 through early 2024 I read Tarot professionally at a local gay bar. Many times since then, I have seen firsthand the effect of the advice given by those who have passed on to the other side and the other spirits who linger there. I have seen the spirits' broad, timeless perspective cut through needless anxieties and confusion time and time again. And I have seen the emotional effect of connecting with the spirits charge and uplift my clients, many of whom have in the past taken great spiritual damage from mainstream Western society's frequently toxic approach to religion and mysticism, again and again.Bijou Fortune was formed to take that work to the next level. Here I offer not just Tarot readings and other forms of fortunetelling, but simple lessons and coaching to help beginners find their own unique forms of spiritual connection.


You can think of the way I read Tarot as a kind of reflective coaching: I use the cards and other divinatory tools to hold up a mirror to the client and counsel them about what they see. Due to the emotional content of my Tarot sessions and spiritual coaching, I have supplemented my long-time spiritual skills with peer support and counseling lessons.I completed Peer Facilitator Training at Peer Seattle on March 21st, 2024, and continued my training by enrolling in the Recovery Coach Academy. I graduated this latter training on July 21st, 2024, and I am now officially certified as a Peer coach.

Spiritual Coaching

Many people in our modern society yearn for spiritual connection, yet they struggle to find what they need on their own. The fact is, existing organized religions aren't for everyone. Here at Bijou Fortune I offer simple lessons and detailed coaching on how to find your own personal spiritual path.My focus as a spiritual coach is helping you find what works for you. As such, coaching consists of questions about your spiritual preferences, exercises to help you figure those out if you haven't already, and feedback and advice as you go along.Coaching sessions start at $60 per half hour. Contact me to express interest.

Events & Parties

Planning a party or other event and looking for a unique form of entertainment? Bijou Fortune might be just what you need.I offer my services as a Tarot reader and mystic as entertainment at parties. Tarot readings for groups are great ways to break the ice, start conversations, and entertain everyone. I also have other ways of livening up a party.All of Bijou Fortune's party entertainment packages require a semi-private or out of the way space with seating and a surface to read cards and other fortune-telling tools on.


From September 27th to November 2nd in 2024, I played the role of the Spiritualist at the House of Spirits just off Broadway in Capitol Hill, Seattle.The House of Spirits is at once a cocktail party, a haunted house, and an immersive theater experience. I spent these weeks not just playing a role in the ever-changing show but also providing insightful, colorful, and entertaining Tarot readings to hundreds of intrigued and delighted guests.The skills I honed during this production are now available to you.


Bijou Fortune's services as an entertainer at parties are available in multiple packages.

The Basic Witch

  • 1-3 guests of honor receive a three-card reading with interpretation

  • All other interested guests may draw a single card and have it interpreted

  • Starts at $100 per hour

  • Add-on: Tip jar removed (+$20 per hour)

  • Add-on: Word and picture dice included in readings and card draws (+$15 per hour)

  • Add-on: Active mingling with interested guests for discussion spirituality, mystical experiences, and fortune-telling in general (+$20 per hour)

  • Add-on: All readings, card draws, and interpretations will be dedicated to a specific god, spirit, or other noncorporeal entity of your choice in hopes of receiving wisdom from them (+$30 flat fee)

The Initiate

  • 1-3 guests of honor receive a five-card reading with interpretation

  • All other interested guests may draw two cards and have them interpreted

  • Starts at $125 per hour

  • Add-on: Tip jar removed (+$30 per hour)

  • Add-on: Word and picture dice included in readings and card draws (+$20 per hour)

  • Add-on: Active mingling with interested guests for discussion spirituality, mystical experiences, and fortune-telling in general (+$30 per hour)

  • Add-on: All readings, card draws, and interpretations will be dedicated to a specific god, spirit, or other noncorporeal entity of your choice in hopes of receiving wisdom from them (+$40 flat fee)

The Divine Emcee

  • 1-3 guests of honor receive a seven-card reading with interpretation

  • All other interested guests may draw three cards and have them interpreted

  • Starts at $150 per hour

  • Add-on: Tip jar removed (+$50 per hour)

  • Add-on: Word and picture dice included in readings and card draws (+$25 per hour)

  • Add-on: Active mingling with interested guests for discussion spirituality, mystical experiences, and fortune-telling in general (+$45 per hour)

  • Add-on: All readings, card draws, and interpretations will be dedicated to a specific god, spirit, or other noncorporeal entity of your choice in hopes of receiving wisdom from them (+$50 flat fee)

Please use the contact form to express interest in hiring me for entertainment at events.


"The imagination. That's our out."
JOHN GUARE, Six Degrees of Separation (1990)

Services rendered by Bijou Fortune are for entertainment purposes only. They are not a replacement for consulting licensed professionals for medical, legal, or financial advice.


You can contact me for any reason using this form or by email at [email protected].If you are interested in making an order for a service offered by Bijou Fortune, this form will guide you through the process.

Thank you

Thank you for reaching out to me! I will respond to your message as soon as I am able. Meanwhile...May you be blessed by the spirits of rock'n'roll!

A Tarot Primer

The modern Tarot has its origins in gaming card decks produced in Renaissance Italy as propaganda for wealthy and powerful noble families. In the late eighteenth and nineteenth centuries, occultists began to transform this combination of casual game and political tool into a source of occult insight for anyone who wanted to learn it. Since then, countless decks of all different styles have been produced for this purpose, and now anyone can find a deck that suits them.The 78 cards of a standard modern Tarot deck each have their own meaning and associated symbolism, but like any language, its interpretation changes depending on context. Unique messages emerge every time one reads the cards.Each Tarot deck is divided into 22 Major Arcana and 56 Minor Arcana. What follows is a brief summary of their meanings.

major arcana

a numbered set of 22 individual cards commonly understood to depict a spiritual journey and its associated events and archetypes

  • 0: THE FOOL -- beginnings, new journeys; the querent as journeyer, especially spiritual journeyer; the number zero and all it entails: the blank slate, the cipher, the one outside the system

  • 1: THE MAGICIAN -- personal power; the active principle; manifesting one’s will; making things happen

  • 2: THE HIGH PRIESTESS -- the power of the unconscious; prophecy; inner secrets; unique personal spiritual paths

  • 3: THE EMPRESS -- motherhood and maternal figures; nurturing yourself and others; emotional maturity

  • 4: THE EMPEROR -- fatherhood and paternal figures; authority, the rule of law; being in control of yourself or others

  • 5: THE HIEROPHANT -- conventional religious structures; religious education and spiritual learning; someone who reveals spiritual truths

  • 6: THE LOVERS -- relationships, especially (but not always) romantic; choices (especially with regards to other people), the crossroads on the path of life

  • 7: THE CHARIOT -- drive, self-discipline, controlled power; the concept of “riding” and all it entails

  • 8: STRENGTH -- inner strength and resolve

  • 9: THE HERMIT -- wisdom gained through solitude; observing others without connecting; searching for the truth

  • 10: THE WHEEL OF FORTUNE -- the vicissitudes of fortune, the cycle of fate; major life events, especially though not always those outside of your control

  • 11: JUSTICE -- seeing and evaluating clearly; facing the truth and its consequences; the name and all it implies

  • 12: THE HANGED MAN -- letting go, release; spiritual ordeals; seeing things from a new and different perspective; personal sacrifice leading to wisdom

  • 13: DEATH -- endings; major change

  • 14: TEMPERANCE -- emotional balance, inner calm; moderation; all that the name implies

  • 15: THE DEVIL -- the material world and its restraints; the problems of the flesh; addictions and other things that chain us down; hedonism

  • 16: THE TOWER -- catastrophe, especially one that has become more and more inevitable as events have progressed and now must happen to clear the way for the new; the collapse of a (metaphorical) corrupt and rotten structure

  • 17: THE STAR -- hope; recovery after disaster; high aspirations and lofty dreams

  • 18: THE MOON -- the weirdness of the collective unconscious; dreams, illusions; the alien, the strange, and the unknown

  • 19: THE SUN -- joy, triumph, positivity; truth and light

  • 20: JUDGMENT -- the reckoning to which your path has led you; "this is it, the big moment”; big choices, big consequences

  • 21: THE WORLD -- completion; a happy ending

minor arcana

four suits each containing ten numbered cards depicting situations and four court cards depicting people

  • Numbered cards: root meanings

  • Ace -- beginnings; all the potential within a given suit

  • Two -- a union of differing forces

  • Three -- family or community; a merging of disparate forces

  • Four -- a pause in your journey; a foundation for what is to come

  • Five -- conflict and instability; a low point at the halfway mark of your journey

  • Six -- balance and harmony

  • Seven -- inward retreat; inner strength

  • Eight -- change; forward motion

  • Nine -- plenty; a great deal of whatever the suit represents

  • Ten -- culmination; the end each suit leads to if followed

  • Court cards: root meanings

  • Page (sometimes Valet or Princess): a youthful person, or someone learning; messages, a messenger; someone with the potential of the suit in them

  • Knight (sometimes Prince): someone who carries the suit’s qualities out into the world; activity, motion, riding

  • Queen: a powerful woman or feminine figure in the querent’s life; one who has mastered and embodies the qualities of the suit

  • King: a powerful man or masculine figure in the querent’s life; one who has mastered and acts out the qualities of the suit

  • The suit of Swords: matters of the mind; reason, intellect, noble ideals…but also conflict, pain, aggression; can be seen as “attacking” the inherent meaning of a number; the element of air

  • Ace of Swords: new ideas, thoughts, principles; the potential of thought and intellect; truth, cutting through lies

  • Two of Swords: a difficult decision; a dilemma; making a choice without all the facts

  • Three of Swords: heartbreak, betrayal; pain caused by denying your own heart

  • Four of Swords: pause, inward retreat; rest or sleep

  • Five of Swords: conflict; acting out of self-interest; openly dishonorable actions

  • Six of Swords: a journey; moving towards the future

  • Seven of Swords: running away from something; retreat; theft or other hidden crimes or dishonorable actions

  • Eight of Swords: confinement, imprisonment

  • Nine of Swords: your inner fears; a terrifying situation; facing your fears

  • Ten of Swords: utter despair, a nadir in life; ruin brought on by one’s own actions; being trapped in despair

  • Page of Swords: learning to communicate; receiving messages; finding your truths

  • Knight of Swords: clear communication; active intellectual efforts; carrying truth out into the world

  • Queen of Swords: someone who knows and is satisfied with their beliefs; being in tune with your inner truths

  • King of Swords: mastery over truth and communication; clear rules and expressions of authority

  • The suit of Cups: matters of the heart; emotion, passion, intuition; relationships; the human aspect of a situation; the element of water

  • Ace of Cups: emotional beginnings; opening your heart

  • Two of Cups: new romance or passion; the fun of romance; flirtation; love and kisses; raw emotional chemistry

  • Three of Cups: a loving group or celebration; harmony in a group; supportive community

  • Four of Cups: quiet introspection; going inwards and focusing on one's own feelings and needs

  • Five of Cups: loss, grief, tearful situations; moving on from grief and loss

  • Six of Cups: happy memories, nostalgia; finding your comfort zone

  • Seven of Cups: having many options available to you; daydreaming, distractions, diversions

  • Eight of Cups: moving on; walking away from something; letting go of attachments and going with the flow

  • Nine of Cups: happiness, contentment, lots of love

  • Ten of Cups: achieving your dreams; family; lasting happiness

  • Page of Cups: a beginner when it comes to emotions and relationships; messages from your heart

  • Knight of Cups: outwardly expressing your emotions; a romantic type of person; wearing your heart on your sleeve

  • Queen of Cups: someone in tune with their emotions; being emotionally stable and balanced

  • King of Cups: someone who has mastered their heart and how to act on its demands; emotional authority

  • The suit of Wands: matters of power; action, creativity, sexuality; the active principle; life force in general; the element of fire

  • Ace of Wands: raw creativity, passion, sexuality; a new project; acting on impulse or out of passion

  • Two of Wands: making plans and putting them into action

  • Three of Wands: forward motion; expansion; progress in a project, especially a collaboration

  • Four of Wands: a celebration; having made something worth celebrating; having laid solid foundations

  • Five of Wands: disagreement, conflict; competition, striving

  • Six of Wands: triumph; public success or victory

  • Seven of Wands: aggressive defiance; conviction; standing up to overwhelming odds

  • Eight of Wands: rapid action; things happening all at once; "think and act fast!"

  • Nine of Wands: endurance; making the last and most difficult step in a long journey or project

  • Ten of Wands: an immense, overwhelming amount of work; a great burden

  • Page of Wands: someone young and passionate; learning about one's talents; messages about what drives you

  • Knight of Wands: expressing your desires; investing passionate effort in a work; a passionate, energetic person

  • Queen of Wands: someone who knows what they want and need; nurturing and being in tune with your inner fire

  • King of Wands: someone who has mastered their passions and talents; successfully exerting personal power

  • The suit of Pentacles: matters of this world; money, material goods and success; hard, productive work; anything physical or concrete; the element of earth

  • Ace of Pentacles: material beginnings; a new business endeavor or project

  • Two of Pentacles: balancing priorities, juggling tasks; achieving a state of balance so you can grow and change

  • Three of Pentacles: teamwork, collaboration

  • Four of Pentacles: greed, possessiveness; clinging to what you have

  • Five of Pentacles: poverty, need; lack of resources where you expect to find them

  • Six of Pentacles: generosity; giving and sharing; fair exchange of resources and effort

  • Seven of Pentacles: evaluation and assessment; considering the harvest from past actions; a change in direction

  • Eight of Pentacles: hard work; increasing skills; "git gud!" in video game parlance

  • Nine of Pentacles: wealth; ample resources; having plenty of what you need

  • Ten of Pentacles: legacy; family; inheritance

  • Page of Pentacles: a beginner in one's career; listening to the messages the world sends you

  • Knight of Pentacles: a hard worker; putting forth effort on external projects

  • Queen of Pentacles: one who has found their place in the world and is comfortable with it; a stable person

  • King of Pentacles: mastering one's career or physical resources; one who is in charge of something concrete


Most (but not all) Tarot readers do not only read the cards with their primary meanings, but also take into account whether a given card was turned upside down (or reversed) during the process of shuffling.A reversed card's meaning changes in unpredictable ways. Sometimes it becomes the opposite of what it normally means; other times it simply takes a twist.Some examples:

  • A reversed Fool may tell the querent that they've been on this path before and should know from experience what to do.

  • When the Star is reversed, it may mean, "Ground yourself in reality instead of getting lost in the clouds."

  • The Eight of Swords reversed usually means breaking free from some kind of trap or confinement.

  • The Four of Cups reversed often says, "Get out of your own head and communicate with others."

  • A reversed Six of Wands can speak of either a recent public failure the querent is dwelling on, or a need to seek private personal victories instead of public affirmation.

  • When a Knight shows up reversed, it often means that the querent is expending too much energy on external projects in that suit's sphere and needs to redirect their efforts inwards.

  • If any King is reversed, it may signify that the querent is not in control of what's happening in that part of their life.

Terms of Service

Due to the potential issues with customer service and ethics when it comes to fortunetelling and spiritual consulting, I require that my clients read and abide by my terms of service.

General rules

  1. Payment must be rendered prior to any service. Tipping afterwards is always appreciated but never required.

  2. A refund of 80% of your payment may be issued at my discretion if I conclude that my fortunetelling methods are not working for you, or if the spiritual problem you wish to consult on ends up being one I can't help with.

  3. Specific answers or results are not guaranteed.

  4. I reserve the right to refuse clients for any reason; in such cases I may, if possible, suggest alternative sources of guidance that I feel would be more appropriate.

Tarot & other fortunetelling

  1. When paying for my services, you agree that we will use the methods described on this site, and not any other styles of Tarot reading or fortunetelling with which you may be familiar.

  2. The cards say what the spirits believe you need to hear, so answers to specific questions are not guaranteed.

  3. It is to be understood that my fortunetelling services are not intended to provide a clear picture of an unalterable future, but rather a helpful mirror onto the present.

Spiritual consulting

  1. My consulting services are based in an eclectic approach to mysticism and spirituality. I cannot train or initiate you in any specific school or lineage of witchcraft.

  2. I do not offer guidance on spiritual matters for an indefinite time period. Once a client has established a beginner's practice, I encourage them to seek out teachers and mentors with more specific and detailed wisdom.

Spirit mediumship

  1. When contacting the spirits of the dead, it should be understood that death changes an individual, and making such contact is not equivalent to talking to a living person in our world, nor will it involve the same kind of communication.

  2. You may ask to use the cards (or any of my other fortunetelling methods) to try to contact deceased friends, relatives, and certain kinds of celebrities, but I cannot guarantee any specific response.

  3. You may request that the cards contact deceased celebrities who were known as creative or pop culture icons; I will not attempt to contact deceased political figures.

  4. When reaching out to dead celebrities, I will not pass on questions about their personal life; their intent is to help you from the beyond, not talk about who they were in their previous life.

  5. I will accept payment in exchange for contacting spirits of deceased friends, relatives, and loved ones between one and three times for any given client, at my discretion. After that, I request that you instead purchase my consulting services to learn how to establish a sustainable spiritual practice involving such contact yourself. I will not accept the task of being someone's conduit to spirits of their beloved dead in exchange for money indefinitely for ethical reasons.

  6. This reader makes no claims to exclusive access to the spirit world and its noncorporeal inhabitants, previously human and otherwise. I encourage all clients to take my spirit medium messages as simply one possible perspective out of many and to explore their own connections to the other side instead of relying on fortunetelling by others.

Privacy policy

  1. Contact information for clients will be kept in private online documents.

  2. Personal information provided in order forms will be kept in private online archives to help provide context for future readings. Clients may choose to opt out of this for any order, and I will delete that information when it is completed.

  3. Digital reports of readings will be kept in private offline archives to help provide context for future readings. Clients may choose to opt out of this for any report, and I will delete it after sending it to them.

  4. I will not record any reading or its results and interpretation without express permission from the client.